mSchools Student Awards 2023
The project registration period is now open until May 8.
Encourage yourself to participate and celebrate the 10th anniversary of mSchools!

Discover how to work with MHM in the classroom

Mobile History Map is a georeferencing platform and mobile app that promotes project-based service learning.

MHM enables students to create content related to their surroundings and share it with the world, all while improving their digital skills.
Get started with project-based learning

Set up your scenario
Decide on a project and create a scenario in MHM to see the results. You can create anything from collections of content to geolocation games.

Work collaboratively
Work with students from your classroom or open the project to teachers and students from other classrooms, or from other schools.
Discover the new MHM features!

Add 3D elements to your content
Explore and attach Sketchfab 3D elements to your MHM content.
Featured scenarios
View all the scenarios in the scenario's library
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Content: 120
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Content: 148
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Content: 227

How to create a project with MHM
We propose you a guide to design, plan, carry out and evaluate your project in MHM.

Where to begin?
In the FAQ Section you can find information related to the sign-up, the creation of scenarios, how to validate the content uploaded by students and how to create different types of games.

See examples of good practices
Do you need ideas before beginning your project? Get inspired by projects done by other students and teachers!

“Mobile History Map is a platform created by a team of people who believe in change, who believe that community-based projects can emerge from schools. It is a good resource for all teachers.”

“This platform helps us discover other school’s projects and facilitates cooperation among students. This is really an asset for our students”
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